Introductory Book Course: Going Beyond Our Comfort Zone - Examining the Places that Scare Us

From January 17 to April 11, 2021 • Drop-ins welcome!

Please join us for an experiential exploration of cultivating fearlessness in difficult times. Beginning January 17, we will convene an 11-session class focused on an examination of Pema Chodron’s book, Places That Scare You. We will explore chapter by chapter this excellent book on awakening our own self-awareness, while also extending our best intentions towards others. In her experiential and heartfelt style, Pema reviews such topics as cultivating our fundamental awakened nature, getting beyond our armored protective mechanisms, learning to be still and listen, and cultivating joy, equanimity, compassion and loving kindness among other topics. 

 This course is for students of all levels.

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Books can be ordered from Shambhala Publications or other book sellers. The Publisher, Shambhala Publications--has generously offered a 20% discount for anyone taking this course! The discount code will be provided in your registration confirmation or if you are offering by class or can’t afford to make any offering please choose “guests” in the registration form or contact us here to get the code.



Sunday Dharma Gathering


Intermediate Book Course: The Path of Individual Liberation, Semester 2