Community Book Course, Sundays, Fall '20 Guest User Community Book Course, Sundays, Fall '20 Guest User

Sunday Introductory Course: Things Have Fallen Apart!

12 classes from Sept. 27 through Dec. 20, 2020 (12:30 - 2:30PM ET)

This meditation course will be based on the book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice For Difficult Times, by Pema Chodron.

  • For those just beginning to explore the path of meditation and as well as all of those who are mature enough on that path to know that the most basic teachings are also the most profound and helpful to return to over and over again

  • Led by Jane Kolleeny and Charles Olson

  • Drop-ins welcome

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Fall '20 Guest User Fall '20 Guest User

Community Book Course: The Teachings of Shambhala

Wednesdays, Sept. 16 - Jan. 6

7-9 pm ET

Oct 7 - 28 at The Wisdom Seat

6:30-8:30 pm ET

  • In this course we will explore Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s teachings on the cultivation of compassion and the development of individual and societal enlightenment.

  • The focus will be on his books Smile at Fear, with Derek Kolleeny and Warner Dick, and Shambhala: Sacred Path of the Warrior hosted by our sister organization The Wisdom Seat and featuring Judy Lief, Carolyn Gimian and many others!

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Fall '20 Guest User Fall '20 Guest User

Monthly Discussion Group: Aging for Beginners

The First Sunday of Every Month

2:45-4 pm ET

  • Join our monthly discussion group as we explore the journey of life and death from a Buddhist Perspective. We will use the book Making Friends with Death: A Buddhist Guide to Encountering Mortality by Judy Lief.

  • Led by Kevin Gormley and Andrea Sherman.

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Fall '20 Guest User Fall '20 Guest User

Monthly Open House Talks

The Second Wednesday of Every Month

7 - 9 pm ET

These Open House Talks are a perfect opportunity for new practitioners and students interested in checking out our practice, path and community, and for more seasoned students to introduce your friends and relatives to your dharma world.

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