Wednesdays, Fall 2022 Westchester Meditation Center Wednesdays, Fall 2022 Westchester Meditation Center

Exploring Vajrayana, Part One: The Path of Natural Wakefulness

Wednesdays, September 14 – December 14, 2022

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET

Meets virtually on Zoom with monthly in-person discussion groups.

Please join us as we explore the Path of Natural Wakefulness through the advanced teachings of the Vajrayana. With this final and culminating segment, our Foundation Curriculum now presents all three “yanas” or levels of the authentic path of mindfulness-awareness meditation and insight as originally described by the Buddha and expertly transmitted to the West by one of the great Tibetan masters of our time—Chogyam Trungpa.

Virtual drop-ins welcome

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Wednesdays, Spring/Summer 2022 Westchester Meditation Center Wednesdays, Spring/Summer 2022 Westchester Meditation Center

Naturally Empty

Wednesdays, May 11-July 27, 2022

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET

Meets virtually on Zoom.

Led by: Derek Kolleeny & Tom Pantaleoni

This Spring/Summer we invite you to continue your exploration of the profound and vast tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. In this course we plan to focus on the cultivation of wisdom with an exploration of the famous yet extremely elusive notion of emptiness. We will primarily focus on a simple and straightforward presentation of the method for identifying the object that is negated when we understand emptiness in the book Introduction to Emptiness by Guy Newland with supplemental readings from Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche and Shenpen Hookham and additional selected readings from Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Virtual drop-ins welcome

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Wednesdays, Winter 2022 Mahyar Hassid Wednesdays, Winter 2022 Mahyar Hassid

Mind Training: Shamatha, Vipashyana, and Lojong

Wednesdays, January 12th – April 27th (Winter Session) & May 6th – July 27th (Spring/Summer Session)

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET

Meets virtually on Zoom.

Led by: Derek Kolleeny

Based upon the book The Practice of Lojong by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche, supplemented with readings on shamatha-vipashyana from Buddhism with an Attitude by B. Alan Wallace.

Virtual drop-ins welcome

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Fall 2021, Wednesdays Guest User Fall 2021, Wednesdays Guest User

Contemporary Buddhist Wisdom

Wednesdays, Sept. 15 - Dec. 15

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET

Meets virtually on Zoom.

Led by: Jane and Derek Kolleeny, Gene Bobker, and all the other WMC teachers.

This course explores the practical advice, wisdom, and inspiration of broad and diverse range of contemporary Buddhist teachers representative of its three major traditions—Theravadin, Zen and Tibetan.

Virtual drop-ins welcome

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Community Book Course: The Path of the Great Eastern Sun

Jan. 21 - Feb. 17 classes at The Wisdom Seat

6:30-8:30 pm ET

Feb 24: WMC classes resume, registration coming soon

7-9 pm ET

  • In this course we will explore Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s teachings on the cultivation of compassion and the development of individual and societal enlightenment.

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