Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows

We are delighted to announce the upcoming opportunity for students to formalize and deepen their connection to the Buddhist path, through the practice of taking vows. These vows are offered to participants of WMC programs. If you have not been participating in our programs for some time please email us at: to enquire about our path that leads to taking these vows.

The Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony is scheduled for Sunday October 27th, 2024 at the Aligned Center in Irvington. The ceremonies will be conducted by Derek Kolleeny.

For either Vow, the formal request to receive the vow involves an application and consultation with the applicant's Meditation Instructor (see the link below).

The Refuge Vow represents the initial commitment to formally entering the Buddhist path of practice and study, and joining the community of fellow practitioners.

"The purpose of taking refuge is to awaken from confusion and associate oneself with wakefulness. Taking refuge is a matter of commitment and acceptance and, at the same time, of openness and freedom. By taking the refuge vow we commit ourselves to freedom."

- Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

The Bodhisattva Vow is offered for those who are already Buddhist practitioners, and who aspire to expand their commitment to work for the benefit of all sentient beings.

WMC will offer a two-session preparation class, for each Vow, which is required before taking the Vow. These will include readings and discussion of the meaning of the vows, as presented in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Dates for these will be announced soon. 

If you are considering taking either Vow, we would very much like to know who you are, so that we can be directly in touch with you regarding the class meetings and other details, and to answer your questions, therefore …

If you have NOT previously expressed your interest by filling out the contact form, let us know that you are interested, by following the link below. If you already filled out this "Expression of Interest"  contact form in the Spring of this year, then you do NOT need to do so again.

Yes, I am interested


Meditation Mondays


The Way of the Buddha: Waking Up through the Path of Meditation