Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Damita Brown

from $10.00

presents a talk on

Breaking the Spell of Storylines

An Online Event — Sunday, October 16, 2022

10 am – 12 pm EST

Registration: $10*

Our meditation practice can help us see how we are sometimes charmed and misguided by the spell of our internal storylines or narratives. When we recognize our attachment to our stories, we can train in taking a bigger view. Through this expansive view, we can dismantle the assumptions and conclusions we create with these stories, we can loosen our grip on our fixations, and drop our fascination with the narrative. Paying attention to these patterns can help us relate to the swift, chaotic, and often challenging changes in our society and bring these challenges to the path for growth and evolution.

Damita Brown, PhD is a Madison, Wisconsin based activist, writer and workshop leader. She prioritizes work that brings contemplative practices and transformative action together. Brown’s research focused on integrative analyses of race, class, gender and other categories. Her workshops, trainings and retreats offer supportive yet challenging space to liberate identity from the toxic traps and harmful norms of white supremacist culture. As a longtime student of Buddhism and committed meditator, she helps participants gain deeper understanding of the role of inner friendship in dismantling egotism, us versus them narratives and aggression. In 2017 she developed the Community Lab for Intentional Practice (CLIP) approach for community building. These labs take to heart the experimental quality of our lives and engage intentionality and aspirations especially in their simplest forms as contemplative practice.


presents a talk on

Breaking the Spell of Storylines

An Online Event — Sunday, October 16, 2022

10 am – 12 pm EST

Registration: $10*

Our meditation practice can help us see how we are sometimes charmed and misguided by the spell of our internal storylines or narratives. When we recognize our attachment to our stories, we can train in taking a bigger view. Through this expansive view, we can dismantle the assumptions and conclusions we create with these stories, we can loosen our grip on our fixations, and drop our fascination with the narrative. Paying attention to these patterns can help us relate to the swift, chaotic, and often challenging changes in our society and bring these challenges to the path for growth and evolution.

Damita Brown, PhD is a Madison, Wisconsin based activist, writer and workshop leader. She prioritizes work that brings contemplative practices and transformative action together. Brown’s research focused on integrative analyses of race, class, gender and other categories. Her workshops, trainings and retreats offer supportive yet challenging space to liberate identity from the toxic traps and harmful norms of white supremacist culture. As a longtime student of Buddhism and committed meditator, she helps participants gain deeper understanding of the role of inner friendship in dismantling egotism, us versus them narratives and aggression. In 2017 she developed the Community Lab for Intentional Practice (CLIP) approach for community building. These labs take to heart the experimental quality of our lives and engage intentionality and aspirations especially in their simplest forms as contemplative practice.

presents a talk on

Breaking the Spell of Storylines

An Online Event — Sunday, October 16, 2022

10 am – 12 pm EST

Registration: $10*

Our meditation practice can help us see how we are sometimes charmed and misguided by the spell of our internal storylines or narratives. When we recognize our attachment to our stories, we can train in taking a bigger view. Through this expansive view, we can dismantle the assumptions and conclusions we create with these stories, we can loosen our grip on our fixations, and drop our fascination with the narrative. Paying attention to these patterns can help us relate to the swift, chaotic, and often challenging changes in our society and bring these challenges to the path for growth and evolution.

Damita Brown, PhD is a Madison, Wisconsin based activist, writer and workshop leader. She prioritizes work that brings contemplative practices and transformative action together. Brown’s research focused on integrative analyses of race, class, gender and other categories. Her workshops, trainings and retreats offer supportive yet challenging space to liberate identity from the toxic traps and harmful norms of white supremacist culture. As a longtime student of Buddhism and committed meditator, she helps participants gain deeper understanding of the role of inner friendship in dismantling egotism, us versus them narratives and aggression. In 2017 she developed the Community Lab for Intentional Practice (CLIP) approach for community building. These labs take to heart the experimental quality of our lives and engage intentionality and aspirations especially in their simplest forms as contemplative practice.

*All WMC events are free to full time students and those 30 and under, and those with limited income please offer what you can afford on our donation page, noting the program you wish to register for.

Please contact westchestermeditationcenter@gmail.com if you have any further questions or are interested in volunteering, a wonderful offering in itself.