
Trungpa Rinpoche on Lojong Mind Training
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One-Day Meditation Workshop (May 2024)
from $10.00
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Mindfulness & Awareness: The Path of Meditation
from $10.00
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Losar 2024 RSVP
from $0.00
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Trungpa Rinpoche on Lojong Mind Training: The Seven Points and 59 Slogans of Atisha
from $10.00
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WMC Holiday Reception
from $0.00
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One-Day Meditation Workshop (February 2024)
from $10.00
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Special Guest Speaker: Barbara Bash
from $10.00
Special Guest Speaker Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
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Special Guest Speaker: Robert Chender
from $10.00
The Heart of Wakefulness
from $10.00
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Exploring Dharma Art
from $10.00
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Meditation for Every Day (Session 2)
from $10.00
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Sourcebook for Tracing Tantric Traditions (Spring/Summer 2023)
from $10.00
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Insight, Wisdom, and the Path
from $10.00
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WMC Annual Summer Social 2023
from $0.00
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One-Day Meditation Workshop
from $10.00
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Special Guest Speaker: Arawana Hayashi
from $0.00
Sourcebook for Exploring Vajrayana, Part Two: Entering the World of Wisdom Energy
from $10.00
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The Path of Individual Liberation, Part II
from $10.00
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Tracing Tantric Traditions
from $10.00
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Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Damita Brown
from $10.00
Special Guest Speaker: Diana Mukpo
from $10.00
Free Family Meditation Series
from $0.00
Sourcebook for Exploring Vajrayana, Part One: The Path of Natural Wakefulness
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The Lotus Essence Tantra Talks with Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche
from $25.00
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Special Guest Speaker: Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche Public Talk
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Aging for Beginners
from $10.00
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Awake Outdoors
from $10.00
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Embracing this Present Life
from $140.00
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The Path of Individual Liberation
from $140.00
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Exploring Vajrayana, Part One: The Path of Natural Wakefulness
from $200.00
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Special Guest Speaker Sarah Coleman
from $0.00
Naturally Empty: Exploring the Great Vehicle, Part Two (Cultivating Wisdom)
from $0.00
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Sourcebook for Walking in the Footsteps, Semester 3
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Sourcebook for Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha, Semester 2
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Foundation Level Course: Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha, Semester 3
from $110.00
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Wednesday Night Course: Mind Training: Shamatha, Vipashyana, and Lojong
from $0.00
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Intermediate Book Course: The Profound Treasury Series, Semester 5
from $180.00
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Sourcebook for Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha, Semester 1
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